How to build an impactful business that serves God and perfectly aligns with His design of you

(Without first waiting for a ‘sign from God’, developing a brand, or creating a website.)

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Here's What You'll Learn

Reframe #1

How to stop separating faith and business, creating extra work, responsibilities, and guilt about making money, and start serving God by making your business and ministry one.

Reframe #2

How to stop believing you need a polished brand, a perfect offer, and a professional website to attract the right clients and start building relationships with potential clients by focusing on genuine connections, gaining their trust, and getting your first paying clients even before you feel fully prepared.

Reframe #3

How to stop waiting for ‘signs from God’ to exit from that roundabout of indecision and start learning how to determine your business direction by recognizing that your God-given talents and abilities have already uniquely equipped you for your perfect business.

This Training is for You if Either of These Statements Describes You

You have been circling in a roundabout of ideas with many exits but are stuck trying to choose which exit to take because you’re afraid you will make the wrong choice and go in a direction God does not want.

You’re feeling restless because you know God has something more in store for you than you’re currently doing. You want to make a bigger impact for God and serve God through your work.

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Escape Indecision, Serve Your Ideal Clients, and Build a Business Aligned with God’s Design of You

Just like some of my other clients

My name is DeneenTB and I’m on a mission to live in God’s unique calling for me𑁋 and to help other do the same

Over the last 14 years I have worked with hundreds of entrepreneurial-spirited women, just like you, in many different capacities: facilitating personal and business development workshops and masterminds; leading Bible studies, fellowship meetings, and retreats; creating courses and teaching techniques/strategies for business and faith.

The main theme during those years has been teaching. (With a Master’s degree in education, no surprise there.)

Just like you, God gifted me with many interests, but I had no focus and felt I was making little impact, like making small splashes in a very shallow lake. What I really wanted was to make a bigger, deeper splash, that impacted others. I really wanted to discover what God’s plan was for me.

When God called me into business (a.k.a., sales) I had to step out of my comfort zone and take a step of faith. This meant trusting that the opportunities, books, trainings, and coaches He put in my path were for my good. I did the work in front of me (and it was a lot of work). Ultimately, I had to rely on Him for my business to run well.

Stepping out in faith, growing closer to God, and learning how God designed me led me to develop what I call the Mosaic Masterpiece Model™.

God equipped me, and now He calls me to show others, including you, how He has equipped them.

Not only have I created the Mosaic Masterpiece Model™ based on what God showed me to do, but I have also refined it through extensive work with my clients in helping them uncover God’s design for their lives.


How to build an impactful business that serves God and perfectly aligns with His design of you

(Without first waiting for a ‘sign from God’, developing a brand, or creating a website.)

By signing up, you agree to receive the free video, along with news and special offers, in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will never share or sell your personal information.